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You most certainly use Microsoft Office in your business. But do you really exploit the full potential of your software?

The Office suite is much more than just a collection of administrative applications. It is a highly versatile software development platform.

Our professional Office software developers help you leverage this tool to meet your very own needs. They will also explain how to use Microsoft Office more efficiently.

Office Templates

We create and code templates for Word, PowerPoint and Excel according to your specifications and with your layout. You’ll work with reliable templates that were implemented professionally and according to best practices. Templates including macros are digitally signed and can thus be used safely and without problems throughout the company.

Office Add-ins

Add-ins integrate additional functionalities or components into Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. An add-in might for example retrieve product information from your database and embed these data, readily formatted, in a document. Even entire tender or quote systems can be created based on add-ins.   

Access Databases

Even Excel and Word have their limits, especially when it comes to managing larger data volumes. Deploying a professional database like SQL Server or Oracle, on the other hand, is in many cases unnecessary and too expensive.
We’ll show you how to create and use powerful and efficient applications based on Access, made to match your specific requirements. You'll notice the improvement in productivity and efficiency!